holidays are over, we are hungry for restarting rendering and
bringing up mooooore new stuff ;) the original plan was to continue with
the last beach sets… but atm i am a bit fed up of them :D so we changed
our plans and are going for something that some of our patreons asked a
long time ago! resumption of the bad ending of the treacherous
illusions story. maybe you remember… elayne gets pregnant and so on :)
lots of positivie feedback on that set, and fulfilling a patreons wish…
so why not? :)
i dont think i can finish that set within january, but veeery close…
early february and ofc there will be a second set in february then, no
worries. better invest more time into that set than getting in hurry
just because of schedules :) but i can promise… everyone WILL like… some
previews during the next weeks ofc, no worries
and here… some more test renderings… lingerie & chains that i am
also using for that elayne set, spent them to our lovely young thief for
the moment :D
thats it for now… teasers will follow!
stay tuned!